Dear friends, dear colleagues,
We would like to share some information regarding the Focus Groups, and we also want to invite you to our webinar on the use of AI in the classroom. We remind you of the CercleS conference in Durham in September and the Teacher Training week in Nancy in June. And we want to encourage members to make use of the CercleS scholarships for national association conferences and workshops, as well as for travel subsidies for the conference in Durham. And as always, we share the details of upcoming meetups and highlights from the news page.
Focus Groups
We would like to remind members of our focus groups (FGs). These smaller groups are centered around various topics such as Internationalisation and Language Policy, Autonomy, CLIL, Language Asessment, and more. The smaller forum allows those interested in a specific topic to discuss the relevant issues with colleagues.
Please visit the FG page to see an overview current groups and the contact details of the coordinators. In the member area, there is a page with more current specific information, such as reports of their current activities. We invite members to get in touch with the FG that corresponds to their interests. by contacting the coordinator.
Please be aware that several FGs will be having in-person meetings in Durham in September. More information will be published on the Conference website closer to the conference.
RANACLES/CercleS teacher training (11-14 June)
We remind members of the Teacher Training week from 11-14 June. CercleS will have the pleasure of co-hosting with RANACLES (the French national association) an exciting event in the beautiful city of Nancy, in eastern France. Thirty language teachers from across Europe will gather to learn more about Artificial Intelligence and its place in language learning. There are still a few places available.
The CercleS Executive Committee will review the applications and confirm them only after checking an adequate representation of member institutions of various national associations.
To see the programme, please visit this link.
To register for the training week, please complete this form.